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ROX Group spreads compassion to patients facing challenging circumstances
14:00 | 28/06/2024

​In keeping with the ROX Share mission of spreading love across the community, ROX Group representatives gave 15 practical gifts to patients receiving treatment at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology on June 27, 2024.

As per the social work department, the event occurred at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A total of 15 patients, including premature babies, pregnant women, and patients at the Neonatal Care & Treatment Center, Department of Obstetrics and Pathology, and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, were presented with gifts. All 15 instances are located in distant provinces, with a significant number of them belonging to ethnic minority groups. Each of them had to endure an extended period of medical treatment while facing incredibly challenging familial situations.

ROX Group representatives presented gifts to families with premature babies being cared for at the Neonatal Care & Treatment Center.

A ROX Group representative said, “ROX Group organizes the yearly ROX Share program, which includes events aimed at providing support and education to children, students, and others facing challenging circumstances. Today, we have the privilege of delivering love and support from the ROX Group to patients, with the aim of inspiring them to overcome challenging circumstances and strive for a brighter future.

The social work department representative from the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology expressed gratitude to ROX Group for their significant donation benefiting families. As a tertiary care center, the hospital treats a large number of critically ill and underprivileged patients from nearby provinces. Hence, the social work department of the hospital is likewise keen on establishing stronger connections with ROX Group and other sponsors. The benevolence of the community can provide meals at no cost to the patients, alleviating a portion of the expenses and facilitating the patient's prompt recovery and return to their regular life.

In addition to providing gifts to patients at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the ROX Share initiative of the ROX Group has also extended its reach to the Vietnam National Cancer Hospital - Tan Trieu Branch, and the Blood Transfusion Hematology (BTH) Hospital, where they distributed gifts and shared meals. Additionally, numerous presents were distributed to underprivileged individuals across the entire country during the Lunar New Year festivities, etc.

Throughout the remainder of the year, the ROX Share community will continue to expand its schedule of activities by including several other volunteer opportunities. ROX Share is an annual initiative organized by the ROX Group. It consists of two sets of activities, namely Share love and Accompany You To School, to provide support to children and individuals facing challenging circumstances, create opportunities for them to overcome immediate difficulties, and inspire them to strive for a better future.

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