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Joy Foundation & ROX Key collaborate to revitalize forests
15:00 | 11/10/2024

​In response to the JOY Foundation's Forest Garden initiative, ROX Key Holdings Joint Stock Company (ROX Key) initiated a campaign to engage its staff in forest greening efforts. The initiative has contributed 1,619 trees, valued at about VND 56 million.

The trees will be planted at Bidoup National Park, Nui Ba (Duc Trong, Lam Dong) to aid in the restoration of depleted forests.

More than 1,600 trees donated by ROX Key will be planted at Bidoup National Park, Nui Ba. Photo: Joy Foundation

The Forest Garden Project collaborates with Nature Reserves, National Parks, and State Forestry Agencies to facilitate reforestation, thereby aiding in the restoration of encroached forests, mitigating water and air pollution, enhancing soil quality, combating desertification and land degradation, conserving biodiversity, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, lessening the impact of natural disasters, and regulating the climate. The initiative promotes capacity and cultivates livelihoods for communities and individuals engaged in forest preservation and development.

Bidoup National Park, Nui Ba is one of the 28 national parks under Vietnam's system of special-use forests. This location is evaluated by experts as one of 221 endemic bird hotspots globally and one of four biodiversity hubs in Vietnam. This is one of six sites where the Forest Garden initiative will grow trees in 2024.

Joy Foundation asserts that ROX Key's significant contribution is crucial for biodiversity conservation and facilitates the restoration and regeneration of forests, hence imparting beneficial effects on the ecosystem.

ROX Key representative said, ROX Key consistently endeavors to generate sustainable values, advocating for human and environmental considerations. The initiative associated with JOY Foundation is a pivotal project of ROX Key in 2024 aimed at enhancing environmental consciousness among employees and promoting actionable measures for a sustainable Vietnam, in pursuit of the Net Zero objective.

ROX Key, a part of the multi-industry ROX Group, serves as a holistic solution provider, excelling in real estate management and operations, hotel and lodging management, human resources, and technology.

Throughout the years, the company has executed several community initiatives, such as the renovation of schools, construction of green libraries, provision of scholarships, and tree planting at its managed projects. The organization pioneers the implementation of digital transformation techniques alongside green transformation to reduce environmental effects, generate sustainable revenue, and provide optimal services and benefits to customers.

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