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Foster positive working experiences & cultivate employee experiences
09:00 | 08/07/2024

​Experts assert that a superior employee experience and a healthy corporate culture will provide an appealing work environment, leading to increased employee satisfaction and giving enterprises a competitive edge.

Emotional touch points in the workplace

Each employee dreams of a workplace that is more than just a place of work; it is also a source of happiness. The working environment fosters employee commitment, trust, connection, personal development, and the promotion of physical and mental well-being. It also encourages individuals to align with their life purpose and personal definition of success.

When considering an ideal work environment, companies such as Google and Virgin Group are often highly coveted. This is because these organizations consistently prioritize creating a functional work environment that fosters employee pleasure.

Based on the poll findings, an overwhelming majority of 97% of Google employees report experiencing a sense of cheerfulness and happiness at their workplace. This stems from the business's dedication to fostering innovation, promoting inclusion, prioritizing employee welfare, and maintaining honest communication.

Billionaire Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, stated, Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients. Virgin Group has cultivated practices that promote positive outcomes in all areas of employee health and well-being, encompassing financial, physical, and mental components, with the aim of fostering a cheerful and productive workforce.

Business success is contingent upon employee pleasure.

The recognition of employee well-being as a critical factor in major global companies' performance has served as a source of inspiration worldwide.

In recent years, several prominent enterprises and organizations in Vietnam have heeded the input of their employees in order to formulate human development goals, allocate resources towards fostering experience, and cultivate a corporate culture that fosters employee satisfaction. ROX Group, previously known as TNG Holdings Vietnam, is a leading and innovative company. The company was recently recognized and awarded at two prestigious international events: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA). These honors were given in recognition of the organization's exceptional accomplishments in the fields of human resources and human resource development.

ROX Group's creative approach

ROX Group's reputation as a happy land for employees stems from its commitment to actively listen to employees, cultivate a distinctive corporate culture, and enable them to actively contribute to shaping their own work experiences.  

Staff conquered the running track at the Key In Mei event.

This year, ROX Group has brazenly empowered three sectors within the group to coordinate the ROXMei Traditional Festival with their own cultural colors, as a result of listening to employees through surveys.

The cultural touchpoint ROXMei 2024 is now more appealing than ever due to its design as a race with competitive and challenging phases and regulations. The game's rules are also meticulously crafted to ensure that teams concentrate on activities, emotions, and individuals that foster unity, rather than rankings and awards. This resulted in a unique and dynamic Mei season for the ROX Group employees.

Talent contest performance at ROX 28 Anniversary.

The ROXMei 2024 event series offers a wide range of experiences that are distinct and exclusive to employees. The Key In Mei event, organized by ROX Key (the service industry), fosters group cohesion via sporting activities. The ROX 28 Anniversary and the ROX & I (office block) infused the employees with a lively and energetic ambiance. The ROX May village festival, hosted by ROX Living, a company in the real estate business, has successfully recreated the ambiance of a historic Northern village. This event has played a significant role in fostering a deeper appreciation and affection for the traditional culture of our nation among the participants.

ROX “May village festival recreates ancient traditional Northern culture.

Individuals serve as both the target audience and the primary emphasis of ROX Group's cultural and experiential endeavors, as well as all human resources initiatives.

Director of Human Resources ROX Group said, “The human resources strategy of the ROX Group is based on three pillars and four foundations. At this organization, employees have the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge in a comprehensive manner and follow a clearly defined career progression in a professional work setting. In addition, our company places outstanding emphasis on cultivating a transparent, considerate, and collaborative organizational culture. We strive to enhance employee involvement and foster a sense of contentment in both their professional and personal lives.

According to experts, fostering a business culture that prioritizes creativity and focuses on the well-being of employees will generate distinctive emotional connections for employees. Every favorable encounter will generate points of contact and amass emotions, information, and inspiration, enabling employees to grow and foster stronger connections with the firm. ROX Group continues to strive to provide positive and advantageous experiences to cultivate a workplace environment that promotes employee happiness.

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